Chiapas: Indigenous Revolutionary Army (ERI) Demands Removal of Armed Forces from Ocosingo

@InfoBae Photos from Facebook

On August 17th, a group calling itself the Indigenous Revolutionary Army (ERI) issued a “first declaration of war” to the government of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) demanding the withdrawal of the National Guard and the Army from its territory. It also expressed its rejection of the trade agreement between Mexico, the United States and Canada (USMCA), the government’s social programs and megaprojects, among things.

Through the Facebook page “Guerrilleros de Los Altos de Ocosingo” (Guerrillas of the Ocosingo Highlands), the ERI explained how the armed forces in its region have only caused “a climate of insecurity for indigenous peoples and communities”, and if they do not withdraw “They will take actions for retreat (war) ..”

It explained that its members were armed to defend life, territory and Mother Earth and that they have “political-military leaders who will lead a more strengthened and consolidated militia and politics in the management of their own resources.” Finally, the ERI launched a call to the people of Mexico and the world to “unite our forces to form an indigenous self-government without the intervention of foreign capitalists or imperialists”; and announced that it will “form our own more inclusive and fair government according to customary law and be self-sufficient in life.”

It also reported that they will install Indigenous Control and Surveillance booths on the road between Ocosingo and San Cristobal de Las Casas.

More information in Spanish:

Se autoproclama grupo guerrillero en las montañas de Ocosingo, Chiapas (El Universal, 17 de agosto)

Un supuesto grupo guerrillero de Chiapas lanza advertencia al gobierno de AMLO (Expansión Política 17 de agosto)

Bajo amenaza de guerra, un supuesto ejército indígena exigió al gobierno de López Obrador retirar a las Fuerzas Armadas de Ocosingo, Chiapas (InfoBae, 18 de agosto)

More information from SIPAZ:

Chiapas: Habitantes de Oxchuc liberan bloqueo en la Carretera San Cristóbal-Ocosingo (July 20, 2020)

Chiapas : Creciente polarización en Chilón ante posible cambio de modo de elección, del sistema oficial al por usos y costumbres. (August 16, 2019)

Chiapas: Military Spying and Harassment of Indigenous Communities in Palenque, Ocosingo, Chilon and La Libertad Reported (April 10, 2018)

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