Guerrero: “Your Name Which I Never Forget”, XXVII Work Report of La Montaña Tlachinollan Human Rights Center


On December 16th, within the framework of its twenty-seventh anniversary, La Montaña Tlachinollan Human Rights Center presented its annual work report online. In it, it collected testimonies of the violence and struggles that have marked this period.

In a moving speech, Abel Barrera Hernandez, director of Tlachinollan, mentioned that the report is the result of the work of the 26 people who make up the organization, of anger and indignation that forces them to write about the reality that exists in the mountains and Costa Chica de Guerrero. “The report is written with the voices, struggles and path of the people, with the names of the disappeared that are never forgotten, to be able to see not only the pained face but also the soul affected by disappearance, it is to see the contained anger and exemplary resistance and organization.”

Accompanying the presentation from a distance with their comments were; Angela Buitrago, member of the Interdisciplinary Group of Experts and Independent Experts (IGIE) of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR); Guillermo Fernandez Maldonado, Representative in Mexico of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the writer and journalist, coordinator of the Opinion section of the newspaper La Jornada, Luis Hernandez Navarro.

In her intervention, Dr. Buitrago recognized the work and commitment of the organization and mentioned that “Justice is defenseless, it has not acted, it is co-opted by various sectors and that is why investigations are necessary, especially in a state like the state of Guerrero, and it has been Tlachinollan who accompanies and supports multitudes of people who ask for justice.”

For his part, Guillermo Fernandez Maldonado spoke about the remarkable work that is reflected in the 400 pages that make up the report, even saying that “It offers us an artistic vision that mitigates a bit the harshness of which they speak” because “they made a structural analysis, an X-ray, and even a view from the victims. Their voice is registered, it brings us closer to the people who have suffered violence, disappearance, stood on, abandonment and other multiple types of violence that come from the authorities, crime and institutions.”

Finally, Luis Hernandez Navarro made a detailed and poetic description of the text and recognized the importance of Tlachinollan’s work. He mentioned that “The report is full of pain, but at the same time of poetry and beauty, of migrant women, of the day laborers, of Vicente and how his career is interrupted to support his father, brother and his community, of the portraits of women and girls, of Ines and the Community Center. The Tlachinollan report shows us that there is an extraordinary pen behind her and she has an extraordinary blog, constructed like the great Mexican murals with analysis and an overall vision of the social struggle and the defense of human rights.”

Participants emphasized how important it was to portray gender-based violence and the role of women and girls in the current context in the report. They agreed that the report is an exceptional work and a must-read for anyone who wants to fully understand the reality that afflicts the state of Guerrero.

To close the presentation, Abel Barrera thanked the participants for their reflections and invited those interested to consult the report on his website.

For more information in Spanish:

Advierten sobre el aumento de las desapariciones (El sur 16 de diciembre 2021)

Tu nombre que nunca olvido (Tlachinollan 15 de diciembre 2021)

Presentación del XXVII Informe: Tu nombre que nunca olvido (Facebook Tlachinollan 16 de diciembre 2021) 

For more information from SIPAZ:

Guerrero: Indigenous Families in La Montaña Most Affected by Earthquake – Government Support Urged  (September 12, 2021)

Guerrero: Tlachinollan Launches “Sea of Grievances, Mountain of Ruptures” Campaign (April 26, 2021)

GUERRERO: “Como una noche sin estrellas”. Presentación del XXVI Informe de Tlachinollan (December 8, 2020)

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