Chiapas: La Realidad denounces robbery, looting, and death-threats against Zapatista support-bases in Che Guevara

In a communiqué released on 12 October, the Good-Government Council Hacia la Esperanza of Caracol I (Mother of the Caracoles of the Ocean of our Dreams) in La Realidad denounces death-threats and aggressions against Zapatista support-bases in the community Che Guevara (recuperated territory), from the Zapatista autonomous municipality Tierra y Libertad.  It indicates that persons from surrounding ranches who are protected by governmental functionaries robbed, looted, attempted to murder, and directed death-threats against Zapatistas there.  The communiqué notes that “These delinquent acts fill us with indignation, especially given that the governmental institutions that are supposed to do justice leave this aside altogether, allowing impunity to continue […].  We are tired of what the bad government does; it incarcerates the innocent, and the criminals walk wherever they like, enjoying full liberty.”

For more information (in Spanish):

Denuncian amenazas, robo y despojo a bases zapatistas de Che Guevara (La Jornada, 14 October)

Denuncian agresión a bases zapatistas; quieren desalojarlos (Cuarto Poder, 14 October)

Denuncia completa de la JBG de La Realidad (12 October)

For more information from SIPAZ (in English):

Chiapas: La Realidad Good-Government Council denounces provocations (18 August 2011)

Chiapas: The La Realidad JBG denounces aggressions in Monte Redondo (25 April)

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