Guerrero: two nephews of ecological leadership are murdered

Sierra Madre del Sur, foto @Boca de Polen

On 11 November, Juventina Villa Mojica, director of the ecologist campesinos of the La Laguna community (Coyuca de Catalán municipality, in the Costa Grande region of Guerrero state), denounced that on that same day two of her nephews were killed.  She held governor Ángel Aguirre Rivero and Humberto Salgado Gómez, secretary of Governance, as responsible, given that they have refused to attend to the denunciations of death-threats directed against residents of this community.  The leader reported that Celso Chávez Segura and Fortino Méndez Segura were murdered as they were traveling in a 4×4 on the path toward the point known as Ceiba María, close to the Hacienda de Dolores. The leader accused “the people who live in Los Ciruelos, led by Marcelo Benítez Núñez, protected by the Mexican Army, who finds itself installed there but without intervening, knowing what is happening.  Dozens of militants fromt he Organization of Ecologist Campesinos of Petatlán and Coyuca de Catalán (OCESP) have been executed in this community by presumed loggers.

For more information (in Spanish):

Guerrero: matan a dos sobrinos de lideresa ecologista (La Jornada, 12 de noviembre 2012)

Ejecutan a dos sobrinos de la dirigente de La Laguna, Sierra de Coyuca de Catalán, denuncia (El Sur de Acapulco, 13 de noviembre 2012)

For more information from SIPAZ (in English):

Guerrero: Urgent Action for disappeared ecologists (8 February 2012)

Guerrero briefs: Two ecologists are kidnapped by armed men in the Sierra de Petatlán (14 December 2011)

Guerrero: violence in the Sierra de Petalán (17 October 2011)

Guerrero: Lucio Cabañas’ widow and her sister are murdered (17 July 2011)

Guerrero: Second murder of ecologists in the Sierra de Petatlán (9 June 2011)

Guerrero: The ecologist campesino Javier Torres Cruz is murdered (6 May 2011)

Guerrero – briefs:  Concern for the safety of the inhabitants of La Morena (28 December 2010)

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