Oaxaca: 162 normalists detained in displacement by State Preventive Police

Foto @ Página3Detained normalists @ Página3

On 21 March, the State Preventive Police (PEP) proceeded to displace the normalists from the State Coordination for Education in Oaxaca (CNEO) who had installed themselves in front of the State Institute for Public Education (IEEPO), thus protesting in defense of education in Oaxaca.  The PEP used tear gas while the normalists responded with small rockets.  The outcome was that 162 were arrested, with 25 normalists and 3 journalists injured, as well as a vehicle set to fire.

A total of 13 persons were charged as suspects for vandalism.  Ten are normalist students and another 3 are individuals claimed to be “provocateurs.”

Organizations such as the Center for Justice, Peace, and Development A.C. (CEDAP) and Services for an Alternative Education A.C. (EDUCA) called on the Public Security Services (SSP) to respect the physical and psychological integrity of the arrested normalists.  EDUCA called on the state authorities to “restart dialogue with normalist students to find a solution to the educational conflict.”

For more information (in Spanish):

Procuraduría de Oaxaca consignará ante Juez Penal a 10 normalistas y 3 “infiltrados” (Página3, 23 de marzo de 2014)

Acusa Alberto Salinas a Fredy Gil de vínculos con infiltrados en desmanes de normalistas el pasado viernes (La Onda Oaxaca, 24 de marzo de 2014)

Oaxaca: policías repliegan a normalistas con gas lacrimógeno; hay 162 detenidos (Proceso, 21 de marzo de 2014)

Normalistas se enfrentan a Policías en el IEEPO. Queman un camión; 162 detenidos y 25 heridos (Revista Tucán, 21 de marzo de 2014)

CEDAP Y EDUCA llaman a la SSP a que respete la integridad física y psicológica de los normalistas detenidos (Revolucionemos Oaxaca, 21 de marzo de 2014)

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