Oaxaca: Loxicha prisoners transferred to the Central Prison of the State

Preso Loxicha

Loxicha prisoner

According to the collective The Voice of Imprisoned Xiche Zapotecos, on 17 April, six of the seven Loxicha prisoners who had been held in the Federal Center for Social Readaptation (CEFERESO No. 13) in Mengolí de Morelos, Miahuatlán, Oaxaca, were transferred to the Central Prison of the State in Santa María Ixcotel de Oaxaca.

The transfer took place after a federal justice confirmed the motion raised by the Loxicha prisoners to return to the Central Prison of the State.

Relatives of the prisoners had denounced the forcible transfer of the Loxicha prisoners 10 months ago to the CEFERESO No. 13, where they lacked basic goods such as food and medicines and were subjected to abuse and difficulties in receiving visits.

Among the transferred prisoners are included Justino Hernández José, Eleuterio Hernández García, Agustín Luna Valencia, Abraham García Ramírez, Fortino Henriquez Hernández, and Álvaro Sebastián Ramírez.  The whereabouts of the seventh Loxicha prisoner, Zacarías Pascual García López, is unknown.

The Voice of Imprisoned Xiche Zapotecos collective celebrates the return of the prisoners to the central Oaxaca and attributes the change “to the strength of the collective force of solidarity that was expressed from different latitudes.”

The prisoners, who have been incarcerated for 17 years for being accused of pertaining to the Revolutionary Popular Army (EPR), have denounced on repeated occasions torture and human-rights violations.

For more information (in Spanish):

Retornan presos políticos Loxicha a penal de Ixcotel desde CEFERESO(CML-México, 18 de abril de 2014)

Familiares exigen libertad de sus presos Loxichas (Nss Oaxaca, 17 de abril de 2014)

Confirman amparo a eperreista para que regresen a penitenciaría estatal(Página 3, 14 de abril de 2014)

Las siete piezas del rompecabezas Loxicha: ¿quiénes son los presos Loxicha? (SubVersiones, julio de 2013)

For more information from SIPAZ (in English):

Oaxaca: Loxicha prisoner is released after 15 years’ imprisonment (24 de junio de 2011)

Oaxaca: Liberation of 4 Loxicha prisoners (31 July 2009)

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