Oaxaca: Mayor of Chichicápam orders shooting of residents: 17 injured and 3 arrested

Foto @ Noticias Net

Photo @ Noticias Net/Iván Flores Noriega

On 6 November, Carlos Vásquez Rebollar, the mayor of San Baltazar Chichicápam, located in the Ocotlán district, ordered three people to fire against residents who were cleaning the streets of the community.  The bullets fired from rifles atop the roof of the house of Carlos Vásquez injured 17 persons, including women and children, one of them gravely.  These people were working in the street where the mayor lives.  The community had withdrawn its recognition of the mayor in the latest communal assembly held on 5 October; it is speculated that this was the reason for the ordered shooting.  During this assembly, residents nominated a commission of 15 governmental representatives because the mayor had not presented himself, given that he was occupied in accounting tasks following the accusation of embezzlement of public funds.  The three persons who opened fire on the crowd, cousins of the mayor, were arrested by the Staet Agency of Investigation (AEI) in an operation.  Vásquez Rebollar fled, and his whereabouts are currently unknown.

For more information (in Spanish):

Alcalde priista de Oaxaca ordena disparar contra pobladores; reportan 17 heridos (Proceso, 8 de noviembre de 2014)

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