Oaxaca: Another 2 October with 52 “arbitrary” arrests

Foto @ Proyecto AmbulantePhoto @ Proyecto Ambulante

Following the march on 2 October in Oaxaca de Juárez to commemorate the massacre of students in Tlatelolco in 1968, 52 individuals were arrested, including 10 women and minors.

The Network of Female Activists and Human-Rights Defenders from Oaxaca demanded the release of the human-rights defenders Rocío Celeste Martínez Gregorio and Fidel Desiderio Martínez, who were detained “illegally and arbitrarily” as they were en route to a work meeting that was to take place at the offices of the Defense Institute for Human Rights of the Oaxacan People (DDHPO). Of the arrested persons, the Network of Female Activists declared, in their communique, that “only four persons are awaiting the resolution of their juridical situation: the defender Rocío Celeste Martínez Gregorio, his comrade Fidel Desiderio Martínez, Irving Pérez Monjaraz, and Julio Eder Luria Vásquez; [they have clearly been victims] of efforts to criminalize the social movement, accused as they are of causing damage when there is no evidence of this.” According to local media, subsequently it became known that these four had been transferred to different jails before the legal processes had been completed, and even in spite of all lack of evidence against them.

It bears mentioning that Rocío Celeste and Fidel graduated recently from the Institute for Sociological Investigations at the Autonomous Autónoma Benito Juárez University of Oaxaca (UABJO), and both “have played important roles in the student movement in Oaxaca and have carried out actions in solidarity with victims of human-rights violations and political prisoners,” as the Network of Female Activists noted. In addition, they have worked to advance communal defense and have worked together with the New Women’s Collective, which promotes the rights of the women and communal participation.

For more information (in Spanish):

Petición de Change.org: Libertad a Defensores de Derechos Humanos detenidos el 02 de Octubre en Oaxaca

México: Trasladan a penales centrales a 4 de las personas detenidas en Oaxaca el pasado 2 de octubre (Kaos en la Red, )

Oaxaca: 40 desaparecidos, detenidos en la marcha del 2 de octubre (Centro de Medios Libres, 3 de octubre de 2015)

Exige red de mujeres activistas libertad a defensores de derechos humanos detenidos en Oaxaca (Revolución TRESPUNTOCERO, 5 de octubre de 2015)

Defensoras de DH exigen inmediata liberación de defensora de DH Rocío Celeste Martínez Gregorio y Fidel Desiderio Martínez (Consorcio Oaxaca, 4 de octubre de 2015)

For more information from SIPAZ (in English):

Oaxaca: 75 arrests following march on 2 October (11 October 2014)

National: More confrontations and repression against social movement, 2 October (25 October 2013)

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