Chiapas: Femicidal Violence – Police Officers Held after Murder of Two Haitian Women

@El Siglo de Torreon

In less than 24 hours, two Haitian migrant women were found murdered in Suchiate and Tapachula, reported migrant rights activist Wilner Metelus, President of the Citizen Committee in Defense of the Naturalized and Afro-Mexicans (CCDNAM).

Metelus said last Monday that the body of a murdered Haitian migrant woman was located in the Nueva Libertad neighborhood, Tapachula municipality. “She was strangled and left without clothes. We demand that the murder be investigated”, said the activist. Later, on Tuesday, he reported that another Haitian migrant woman was found dead on the banks of the Suchiate River, between Colonia San Antonio and Rosario in the municipality of Suchiate.

Regarding the first case, the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) said that through the Immigrant Prosecutor’s Office, it opened an investigation file for the crime of femicide.

“I reaffirm are two Haitian women who were murdered in the Suchiate and Tapachula municipalities, Chiapas. We demand justice. The police in the municipalities of Suchiate and Tapachula are racist, corrupt and criminal”, said Wilner Metelus.

Suchiate municipal police are suspected of being involved. It was reported that the murdered woman had been detained hours earlier by uniformed officers and that four policemen were detained and are under investigation.

For more information in Spanish:

Dos mujeres haitianas son encontradas sin vida en menos de 24 horas (Chiapas Paralelo, 26 de octubre de 2021)

Hallan a dos mujeres haitianas sin vida en 24 horas en Chiapas; fiscalía abre investigación por feminicidio (Pie de Página, 26 de octubre de 2021)

Detienen a policías tras dos asesinatos de mujeres migrantes haitianas en Chiapas (EDUCA, 28 de octubre de 2021)

For more information from SIPAZ:

National: #ProtecciónNoContención Campaign Demands End to Repression of Migrants (October 28, 2021)

Chiapas/National: INM and National Guard Continue Harassment of Migrant Caravan (September 7, 2021)

Chiapas: Alarming Femicidal Violence – Two Women and a Minor Murdered in Tapachula (July 8, 2021)

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