Chiapas: Attacks on EZLN Denounced

@El Universal

On May 26th, the Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Human Rights Center (Frayba) updated the information on the attacks in Moises y Gandhi at a press conference held at its offices.

Regarding the context, it recalled that since the armed uprising in 1994, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) “has been harassed and continuously attacked by the Mexican Army and groups related to the State (…) with the aim of destroying and co-opting the movements of resistance and emancipation that are fighting for the respect of their rights, and in this territory for the collective rights that they claim as native people.”

It also declared that “this six-year term of the government of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has not been left behind, the attacks against the lands recovered by the EZLN are constant, in some autonomous territories we have documented attacks, threats and armed attacks, such as that of of the Good Government Council (JBG) of Caracol 10 of Patria Nueva, the EZLN Support Bases have suffered serious human rights violations such as arbitrary deprivation of liberty, torture, forced displacement and several wounded by firearms.”

In this context, the last attack on a support base from Moises y Gandhi on May 23rd (who is still hospitalized and seriously ill) is just the latest example “of all these acts of aggression and attacks against the Zapatista movement” that are also continue to increase “due to the active impunity generated by the Mexican government.” There have been various public expressions of national and international solidarity to “show support to the peoples who defend life, territory, Mother Earth and peace.”

For more information in Spanish:

La opacidad e inacción del Estado mexicano es una amenaza inminente a la paz en Chiapas (Frayba, 26 de mayo de 2023)

Pueblos del CNI repudian ataque armado contra Comunidad Autónoma en Chiapas/Denuncia de Frayba (Resumen latinoamericano, 26 de mayo de 2023))

Desde España y Francia, condenan ataque armado contra base de apoyo zapatista (Desinformémonos, 26 de mayo de 2023)

Denuncian ataques a comunidades (El Universal, 26 de mayo de 2023)

For more information from SIPAZ:

Chiapas: Urgent Action – EZLN Support Base Wounded in Armed Attack in Moises y Gandhi (May 25, 2023)
Chiapas: 15 Families Displaced by Armed Attacks in Zapatista Territory (May 9, 2022)
Chiapas: Chiapas on Verge of Civil War – EZLN (september 21, 2021)
Chiapas: Patria Nueva JBG Denounces Latest Harassment of Nuevo San Gregorio Community (December 3, 2021)
Chiapas: Kidnapping of Two Members of Nueva Patria JBG Denounced (September 16, 2021)

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