Chiapas: MOVIAC meeting in Acteal on climate change

Worktable on sustainable rural cities @SIPAZ

From 9 to 11 August, in the Acteal community, the Mexican Movement for Alternatives to Environmental Effects and Climate Change (MOVIAC-Chiapas) carried out the “Meeting of Alternatives to Environmental Destruction and Climate Change.”  Close to 300 members of the Las Abejas Civil Society, the Campesino Regional Independent Movement (MOCRI), the Digna Ochoa Center for Human Rights, MOVIAC El Salvador, and MOVIAC Guatemala, among many others, participated for three days in the event that included 5 worktables.  The questions that were examined in these tables were sustainable rural cities, defense of land and territory, megaprojects, food sovereignty, and environmental degradation.

MOVIAC-Chiapas is a social movement comprised at the base of indigenous and campesino individuals, peoples and communities, collectives, civil orgainzations, academics, artists, communicators, activists, and human rights defenders who find the climate crisis to be a result of the depradatory models of extraction of natural resources such as water, land, minerals, forests, and jungles.  During the meeting, the groups exchanged informed regarding different environmental impacts and human-rights violations associated with mining projects, such as in Chicomuselo, the rural sustainable cities like Nuevo Juan de Grijalva, and planned dams such as that of San Juan Cancúc.  The meeting also served as a preparatory space for a subsequent MOVIAC forum that will be held in November in El Salvador.

Those who signed the final declaration of the event demand among other things the immediate cancellation of all megaprojects and projects (dams, mining, wind parks, extraction of gas and petroleum, rural cities, etc.) that negatively impact Mother Earth and her peoples, in addition to calling for the cancellation of all permits and cultivation of transgenic seeds.

For more information (in Spanish):


Nace en Chiapas nuevo Movimiento en Defensa de la Madre Tierra.(Proyecto Ambulante, 8 de agosto de 2012)

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