Chiapas: The La Garrucha JBG denounces harassment against Zapatista support-bases

Marcha silenciosa zapatista, Palenque, 21 de diciembre de 2012 (@SIPAZ)

The “Path of the Future” Good-Government Council (JBG) of the La Garrucha caracol (III) has in recent days released two denunciations regarding acts of harassment targeting Zapatista support-bases.

The first communique denounces the harassment exercised since April by the Truck Center of Ocosingo against independent truck-drivers, including one Zapatista support-base, who has been detained and his trucks confiscated.

Though the JBG has attempted to hold a meeting with representatives of the Center to come to an agreement to resolve the conflict, the other party has refused to participate.

For this reason, the JBG demands the return of the confiscated trucks and the cancellation of the arrest-orders against 8 independent truck-drivers.

The second denunciation relates the false accusation and arrest-order directed against a Zapatista support-base for cutting down a tree.  According to the JBG account, the tree was cut down with the Junta’s authorization and that of autonomous Zapatista municipalities.  Given this, the JBG is requesting the cancellation of the arrest-order and furthermore denounces indiscriminate logging of the forest by other actors who are supported by the “three levels of the bad government.”

For more information (in Spanish):

JBG El Camino del Futuro exige cancelación de ordenes de aprehensión contra ocho personas (Enlace Zapatista, 8 de noviembre de 2013)

JBG El Camino del Futuro exige cancelación de orden de aprehensión contra compañero base de apoyo (Enlace Zapatista, 8 de noviembre de 2013)

Denuncia junta de buen gobierno persecución judicial a base zapatista (La Jornada, 8 de noviembre de 2013)

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