National/Chiapas: Searching Mothers Demand Answers and Justice for their Disappeared Children


On the occasion of Mother’s Day, this May 10th, various groups and civil organizations in the country organized activities in at least 22 states to demand justice and highlight the disappearance of people. Without doubt, this problem crosses the entire Mexican territory, and although the official figure is 112,203 missing persons nationwide, the number of cases could be much higher. For thousands of mothers with missing children, May 10th is not a celebration.

From various geographies, multiple voices denounced the absence of the rule of law and that despite the deployment of the Armed Forces, no progress has been made against impunity, nor has it been possible to stop the accumulation of new cases.

In Chiapas, a rally was held in the central park of San Cristobal de Las Casas to demand the immediate and efficient location of disappeared persons. The Working Group Against Disappearances in Chiapas accompanied this concentration, mentioning that today: “it is a symbol of struggle, resistance and search, but it is also a symbol of love, of mothers who demand justice so that no one else experiences that pain.” “This concentration is for life, for hope and justice. You are not alone, compañeras, we accompany you from every corner that we inhabit”, added the Working Group.

For more information in Spanish

Abrazamos a las madres Buscando a sus hijos e hijas. No Conocemos Fronteras para Buscarles (Frayba, 10 de mayo de 2023)

Madres de desaparecidos, un clamor de justicia (Proceso, 10 de mayo de 2023)

Madres buscadoras marchan y conmemoran el 10 de mayo en México: «Dios nos va a hacer el milagro de ver regresar nuestros hijos» (CNN, 10 de mayo de 2023)

Protestan mamás en busca de justicia (Diario de Chiapas, 11 de mayo de 2023)

Madres exigen justicia y hacer visible la desaparición de personas en Chiapas (Chiapas Paralelo, 10 de mayo de 2023)

Marchan madres de desaparecidos (La Jornada, 11 de mayo de 2023)

For more information from SIPAZ:

National: Collectives and Organizations Demand Justice for Murder of Mother of Disappeared, Maria Carmela Vazquez (November 9, 2022)
National/International: Caravan of Central American Mothers Joins “March for National Dignity: Mothers Seeking their Daughters and Sons, Truth and Justice” (May 13, 2022)

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