Guerrero: Human-rights organizations call on Secretary of Governance to observe sentences of the Inter-American Court

Inés Fernández Ortega during the State’s recognition of responsibility, 6 March.  Photo @SIPAZ

On 16 July, national and international human-rights organizations sent a letter to Alejandro Poiré, head of the Secretary of Governance (Segob), in which they point out that two years have passed since the Inter-American Court on Human Rights handed down sentences in favor of the indigenous women Inés Fernández Ortega and Valentina Rosendo Cantú, who were raped by soldiers in 2002.  They also note that to date grave omissions can be seen as regards the State’s observance of these sentences, mentioning that “more than 10 years after the events, the evidence has not even been presented before a judicial authority.”  The letter emphasizes furthermore that “the Secretary that you lead has a last opportunity to leave behind a respectable legacy in terms of human rights by means of the full observance of the sentences of the Court.”  They also refer to the fact that Poiré is personally familiar with the situation, given that several worktables have been held in Chilpancingo, Guerrero, to observe the sentence in favor of Inés Fernández Ortega, and that on 17 July there will be held a new meeting with federal and state authorities.

For more information (in Spanish):

Carta completa (16 de julio)

Instan ONG a SG a cumplir una sentencia de la CIDH (La Jornada, 17 de julio)

Carta completa en página web de Tlachinollan

For more information from SIPAZ (in English):

Guerrero: Act of recognition of responsibility on part of Mexican State in case of Inés Fernández Ortega (6 March 2012)

Guerrero – Briefs: Mexican State recognizes responsibility in the case of Valentina Rosendo (21 December 2011)

Guerrero – briefs: NGO informs US authorities regarding Mexico’s obligations under Mérida Initiative (26 November 2011)

Guerrero – briefs: NGO demands that Calderón observe sentence in case of Valentina Rosendo and Inés Fernández (28 November 2011)

Guerrero – briefs: Judge acquits attacker of Radio Ñomndaa Committee member; Interior Ministry evades compliance with sentencing in the case of Inés and Valentina (4 February 2011)

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