National: Reactions to the recognition of EPN’s electoral victory

Handing over of document confirming the PRI’s victory (

On 31 August 2012, Enrique Peña Nieto, candidate for the coalition Commitment to Mexico which is comprised of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and the Green Ecological Party of Mexico (PVEM), received notice that he was officially accredited president-elect, following the validation by the Judicial Electoral Tribunal of the Federation (TEPJF) of the 1 July election.  He will take office as president on 1 December of this year.  In this way, the TEPFJ unanimously rejected the denunciations brought forward by leftwing parties to invalidate the presidential election.  Surrounding the Tribunal were more than 500 federal police, who protected the center from behind sandbags.

In light of the TEPJF’s decision, the reactions came quickly.  Both the Progressive Movement, led by Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO, candidate for the leftwing parties in the July election), and social movements (#IAm132 in particular) and civil organizations rejected the failure of the magistrates.  Thousands of persons took to the streets of Mexico City to protest and surround the TEPJF center in protest.

AMLO called for a mobilization on 9 September in the Zócalo of the capital so as to discuss steps moving forward.  He declared, “Hopefully it will be understood in this way how they defend the regime of corruption, while we are prepared to abolish this.  We will not sign any cease-fire, nor will be concede anything, even though they continue to attack us, accusing us of being bad losers, messianic madmen, or just hungry for power.”

For his part, President Felipe Calderón congratulated EPN and wished him the best successes as Executive.  PAN members said for their part that they did not support AMLO with his demands, but they will call for transparency in election (in particular, that the IFE resolve the two complaints regarding the Monex case).

Similarly, PRI representatives called for resolutions to be observed.  EPN himself gave a speech in the center of the Electoral Tribunal affirming that legality is fundamental for democratic governance, and that all candidates should have to respect this.

For more information (in Spanish):

“Es tiempo de iniciar una nueva etapa”, dice Enrique Peña Nieto (CNN México, 31 de agosto de 2012)

“No puedo aceptar el fallo del Tribunal Electoral”: López Obrador (CNN México, 31 de agosto de 2012)

Condenan representantes de la izquierda fallo del TEPJF (Proceso, 31 de agosto de 2012)

Panistas piden continuar pesquisas de caso Monex (El Universal, 1 de septiembre de 2012)

Comicios irregulares no pueden ser legítimos, dice #YoSoy132 (La Jornada, 1 de septiembre de 2012)

For more information from SIPAZ (in English):

Oaxaca: Protests against “imposition,” detention, and torture (25 July 2012)

National: “National Convention against Imposition” in Atenco (25 July 2012)

National: In the presidential elections, a controversial electoral process and results (10 July 2012)

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