Oaxaca: 8 years after the conflict of 2006, impunity prevails. Truth Commission is founded

Imgagen @ Código DH

Image @ Código DH

On 25 November, eight years were commemorated since the confrontation between civil society and the police that took place in 2006, including 25 killed, around 500 arrested, 380 tortured, and 5 disappeared.  Though the Supreme Court for Justice in the Nation (SCJN) has found that “there were serious generalized and particular violations of individual rights” and the recommendation released by the National Commission on Human Rights (CNDH), these have proven inadequate for the tasking of punishing those responsible.  The Commission of Relatives of the Disappeared, Murdered, and Political Prisoners of Oaxaca (COFADAPPO) demanded that the recently founded Truth Commission (comprised of Alejandro Solalinde Guerra, Diego Osorno, and Mariana Patricia Jiménez) provide real results to the members of Section 22 of the National Educational Workers’ Union (SNTE) and to the people of Oaxaca, who were brutally repressed  in 2006.  Porfirio Domínguez, who was arrested by the federal police on 25 November 2006 during the final confrontation between the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO) and the PFP (federal police), also demanded that the SCJN’s report be heeded.

For its part, the Gobixha Committee for the Comprehensive Defense of Human Rights (Código DH) indicated that “Oaxaca experienced on 25 November 2006 one of the most brutal repressive episodes in the history of the state […].  Today we see the same practice exercised against those arrested on 20 November in Mexico City, as they were taken to federal prisons without respecting habeas corpus, as the law establishes.  Arbitrarily violating the legal rights of these persons demonstrates that the justice institutions have not changed.”  In a press-bulletin, Código DH indicated ex-governor Ulises Ruiz Ortiz as the principal responsible party, and that “despite the existing documentation, basically the grave rights-violations we have seen this committed this year continue in impunity.”

For more information (in Spanish):

Oaxaca 2006: 8 años de impunidad (Comité de Defensa Integral de Derechos Humanos Gobixha – Código DH, 25 de noviembre de 2014)

Los días de infierno pretenden ser enterrados con un silencio cómplice; Ulises Ruiz y camarilla gozan de impunidad (Página 3, 25 de noviembre de 2014)

Reprocha Cofadapo trabajo de Cué sobre 2006 y piden resultados ‘reales’ a la Comisión de la Verdad (Noticias Net, 25 de noviembre de 2014)

‘Insuficiente la Comisión de la Verdad para castigar a culpables de 2006’: LIMEDDH (Noticias Net, 25 de noviembre de 2014)

For more information from SIPAZ (in English):

Oaxaca: March-meeting of Section 22 of the SNTE in commemoration of 25 November (28 November 2012)

Oaxaca: March of teachers and social organizations in observance of the repression of 25 November 2006 (28 November 2011)

Oaxaca: Presumed killer of Brad Will is detained (5 June 2012)

Oaxaca: Urgent Action for new harassment against Juan Manuel Martínez Moreno (30 September 2010)


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