Guerrero/National: Transfer of Nestora Salgado to a Mexico City prison

(@La Opinión)

(@La Opinión)

After 17 months of solitary confinement in the federal prison of Tepic, Nayarit, Nestora Salgado was transferred on 29 May to the Femenil Center for Social Readaptation “Tepepan” in Mexico City.

The coordinator of the Communal Police (PC) of Olinalá was arrested on 21 August 2013, accused of kidnapping. After numerous attempts to have her released, on 5 May she undertook a hunger strike and refused to consume liquids for 5 days.

From the Medical Tower of the prison, where Nestora is attempting to recover her physical and menatl health, she declared in an interview with La Jornada: “I do not request amnesty. Everyone knows I am a political prisoner, that I was subjected to an arbitrary arrest. They know that they have violated all my rights, individual and constitutional.”

They wanted to end my life—to make me go crazy. But they failed. I was all those months imprisoned without combing my hair. I didn’t even have the right to a hairbrush or toothbrush.” From this, she demands her release and that of her two comrades from the Regional Coordination of Communal Authorities (CRAC), who have also undertaken hunger strikes, together with a comrade from the Council of Ejidos and Communities Opposed to the La Parota Dam (CECOP).

For more information (in Spanish):

Yo no pido amnistía, todo mundo sabe que soy una presa política (La Jornada, 1 de junio de 2015)

Nestora Salgado, en “delicado estado de salud” (Proceso, 1 de junio de 2015)

Trasladan a Nestora Salgado a la ciudad de México (La Jornada, 29 de mayo de 2015)

Activista Nestora Salgado inicia huelga de hambre (Cimac Noticias, 8 de mayo de 2015)

Vuelve a tomar líquidos Nestora Salgado; cumple 26 días en huelga de hambre (El Sur, 31 de mayo de 2015)

For more information from SIPAZ (in English):

Guerrero: Still on hunger strike, Nestora Salgado continues to hope for transfer as her health declines (9 June 2015)

Guerrero: political prisoner Nestora Salgado, coordinator of the Communal Police of Olinalá, begins hunger strike (16 May 2015)

Guerrero: IACHR calls on Mexican government to guarantee medical attention to Nestora Salgado (8 February 2015)

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