Chiapas: Believing Peoples Hold Pilgrimage in Tuxtla in Support of Teachers

Believing People.pngBelieving Peoples pilgrimage in Tuxtla Gutiérrez

On July 18, about 30 thousand members of Believing Peoples representing 52 parishes throughout the state as well as thousands of teachers, members of the CNTE, held a pilgrimage together on Monday in Tuxtla Gutierrez demanding that the government of Enrique Peña Nieto, discuss in “public dialogue” not only education reform, but also the so-called structural reforms that the government has been promoting. “We came to demand that the government act honestly, because even when there is a negotiating table with the CNTE, we remember what happened to the San Andres Accords (signed in 1996 between the Federal Government and the EZLN). The government betrayed them, and that can also happen now”, the indigenous pastor of Simojovel parish, Marcelo Perez Perez said, during the demonstration on Monday in the central square of the state capital, where teachers installed in a camp two months ago as part of protests against education reform.

Apart from Believing Peoples, several organizations, communities and groups expressed their objection to the reforms and their support for the teachers in recent weeks.

For more information in Spanish:

Indígenas de Chiapas advierten posible “traición” del gobierno en diálogo con la CNTE, Chiapasparalelo, 18 de julio de 2016

CNTE y Pueblo Creyente marchan en Tuxtla; en duda el inicio del próximo ciclo escolar, reporte ciudadano chiapas, 18 de julio de 2016

Comunicado del Pueblo Creyente de la diócesis de San Cristóbal de Las Casas, 18 de julio de 2016

Candelaria el Alto se solidariza con el movimiento magisterial, 12 de julio de 2016

Pronunciamiento en apoyo del Movimiento Magisterial: pudee,  4 de julio de 2016

Estamos con ustedes resistan y resistiremos: Xinich al magisterio,5 de julio de 2016

For more information from SIPAZ:

Oaxaca/ Nacional: La CNTE y la Segob acuerdan mesas de negociación (13 de julio de 2016)

Oaxaca: Organizaciones de Derechos Humanos presentan informe sobre represión en Nochixtlán(11 de julio de 2016)

Chiapas: Miles de creyentes peregrinan en apoyo al movimiento magisterial (5 de julio de 2016)



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