Chiapas: Pilgrimages in Several Municipalities To Demand Peace and Justice

One year after the murder of the defender and former leader of Las Abejas de Acteal, Simon Pedro, and, in the midst of the growing violence and the constant criminalization and persecution of which defenders of the territory and human rights in the state are victims, thousands of people summoned by Believing People of the Diocese of San Cristobal held pilgrimages simultaneously in at least eight municipalities of the state on July 5th.

There were at least 10,000 people who demonstrated in Frontera Comapala, Comitan, Ocosingo, Palenque, San Cristobal de Las Casas, Simojovel and Tenejapa to demand peace in their municipalities and in the State. They also spoke out against the imprisonment of the five defenders of San Juan Cancuc, who have fought against militarization and in defense of their territory. They also condemned the persecution of Father Marcelo Perez, for whom the State prosecutor’s office recently requested an arrest warrant.

During the pilgrimages in the different locations, the statement launched by Believing People was read, in which they mentioned “as Believing People we express all the abuses and injustices that our peoples and communities experience, especially violence, insecurity and the territorial dispute, caused by organized crime, before which the authorities are overwhelmed, permissive and colluded by the control system that organized crime exercises in the national territory. There is also the threat and assassination of social leaders and municipal authorities, as well as threats to pastoral agents of our diocese. We cannot remain silent or insensitive in the face of these sufferings.” And they reiterated “we will maintain solidarity with the brothers and sisters who suffer violence, evictions, forced displacement and unjust imprisonment. Also with the migrants from other countries who pass through our communities and who are often violated and exploited by the same immigration authorities and security corporations. We seek to establish justice and peace with solidarity in our peoples and communities.”

The pilgrimages were accompanied by various national and international civil society organizations that have a presence in Chiapas.

For more information in Spanish:

Pedro, la violencia y los grupos criminales proliferan en Chiapas (Educa 06 de julio de 2022)

Activistas se movilizan en seis municipios de Chiapas a un año del crimen de Simón Pedro Pérez (Proceso 06 de julio de 2022)

Realizan peregrinación por la Paz y la Justicia en Chiapas (La Jornada 07 de julio de 2022)

For more information from SIPAZ:

Chiapas: continúa la violencia con graves consecuencias para las comunidades de Pantelhó y alrededores (9 de julio de 2021)

Chiapas: Diocésis de San Cristóbal de las Casas se pronuncia sobre las amenazas en contra del Padre Marcelo. (10 de octubre de 2021)

Chiapas: Pronunciamiento del Frayba y SweFOR – Preocupación por seguridad del Padre Marcelo Pérez Párroco de Simojovel y defensor de derechos humanos(20 de julio de 2021)

Chiapas: Abejas de Acteal denuncian amenazas al padre Marcelo Pérez de Simojovel y llaman a “proteger la vida de quienes trabajan por la paz y la justicia” (25 de mayo de 2020)

Chiapas: Peregrinan para exigir liberación de cinco indígenas tzeltales de San Juan Cancuc (7 de junio de 2022)

Chiapas: Indígenas tselales hacen viacrucis para exigir la libertad plena de sus compañeros defensores comunitarios (11 de abril de 2022)

Chiapas: Peregrinación por la paz en Las Margaritas (23 de marzo de 2022)

Chiapas: Amenazan al párroco de Chicomuselo (17 de marzo de 2022)

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