Chiapas: Ejidatarios from Tila denounced new attempt to loot land


Photo @SIPAZ

The adherents to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandona Jungle from the Tila ejido in Chiapas have publicly denounced mayor Limberg Gregorio Gutiérrez Gómez and a group of ambulating sellers for attempting to loot part of the ejidal territory of Tila to establish a market.  By means of a communique, the ejidatarios indicated that such pretensions were expressed without the consent of the general assembly of ejidatarios, tus violating articles 22, 23, and 43 of the Agrarian Law.  “We want to clarify that this supposed mall is for them to give a better image to the people, but it is only for their own personal interests, and all they want to do is to provoke the campesinos, and we want nothing to do with the bad government.  What comes from the government is not development but rather exploitation, slavery, and discrimination, they stressed.  The communique closes by requesting “all independent non-governmental organizations and adherents to the Sixth Declaration […] to be attentive to whatever may happen in the ejido of Tila, Chiapas […] and to be on maximum alert because we will denfed our ejidal lands, regardless of the cost.  If they touch one part of the ejido, they also touch all ejidatarios.”

For more information (in Spanish):

EjidoTila en Chiapas, denuncia nuevo intento de despojo (Centro Prodh, 16 de enero de 2014)

Denuncian despojo de terrenos ejidales en la cabecera municipal de Tila, Chiapas (La Jornada, 15 de enero de 2014)

For more information from SIPAZ (in English):

Chiapas: March and rally in Tila to commemorate the founding of the Tila ejido 79 years ago (20 August 2013)

Chiapas: Supreme Court postpones new decision on Tila ejido (8 April 2013)

Chiapas: Supreme Court postpones decision on case of the Tila ejidatario(16 August 2012)

Chiapas: Ejidatarios march in Tila and Mexico City (16 August 2012)

Chiapas: Ejidatarios from Tila announce schedule of march to the SCJN in Mexico City (31 July 2012)

Chiapas: Ejidatarios de Tila announce a caravan and march against the SCJN in defense of their land and territory (25 July 2012)

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