Oaxaca: Conflicts over extraordinary elections in San Dionisio del Mar


On 5 December, two persons were injured after a confrontation in San Dionisio del Mar, Tehuantepec Isthmus, including members of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and of the Peoples’ Assembly (ADPSM) of this community.  The ADPSM group had established a blockade to inhibit entry of personnel of the National Electoral Institute (INE) who had sought to organize extraordinary elections programmed for 14 December.  Six persons were injured by gunfire and stones, including a man and a pregnant woman.

On 6 December, the Peoples’ Assembly marched through the principal streets of the community to denounce the head of the Oaxacan State Electoral Institute, Gustavo Meixueiro Nájera, for being responsible for these violent acts, “given that it was anticipated that the conditions do not exist to carry out municipal elections due to the sequelae left by our recent struggle against the wind-energy firm Mareña Renewables, and in light of the post-electoral conflict which consequently degraded the social fabric.  The federal and state governments seek to install functionaries in the municipality so as to open the door to these firms.”

On 12 December, 500 elements of the state police and the State Agency of Investigations (AEI) were deployed to San Dionisio to re-establish public order.  Somewhat earlier, members of the General Assembly of the Ikojts People of San Dionisio protested before the National Electoral Institute in Juchitán and burned a municipal police patrol-car in one of the principal access-points to the community, where they had maintained checkpoints.  The State Electoral Institute for Citizens’ Participation in Oaxaca has suspended the mayoral election, without setting a new date.

For more information (in Spanish):

Después de agresión, la ADPSM denuncia a ex-candidato priista de ser responsable (Voces de Oaxaca, 6 de diciembre de 2014)

Boletín de la Samablea de Pueblos de San Dionisio del Marc sobre la marcha el 6 de diciembre (ADPSM, 6 de diciembre de 2014)

ASAMBLEA GENERAL DE SAN DIONISIO DEL MAR RECHAZA ELECCIÓN EXTRAORDINARIA MUNICIPAL : Policía estatal irrumpe en San Dionisio del Mar (ADPSM, 14 de diciembre de 2014)

Cancelan elección de hoy en San Dionisio del Mar (La Jornada, 14 de diciembre de 2014)


For more information from SIPAZ (in English):

Oaxaca: Mareña Renewables to cancel wind-energy project in San Dionisio del Mar (15 January 2014)

Oaxaca: Meeting of Peoples in Resistance for the Defense of Territory in the Tehuantepec Isthmus (17 May 2013)

Oaxaca: Confrontation over supposed “approval” of wind-energy park in San Dionisio del Mar (8 January 2013)

Oaxaca: judge concedes motion against wind-energy project in San Dionisio del Mar (21 December 2012)

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