Guerrero/National: Nestora Salgado suspends her hunger strike

Nestora Salgado  (@revoluciontrespuntocero)

Nestora Salgado

After completing 31 days of a hunger strike (the final five without consuming liquids), the coordinator of the Communal Police of Olinalá, Guerrero, Nestora Salgado García, suspended this form of protest after the Guerrero state government committed himself to promoting her release and the transfer of two other communal police officers who are imprisoned in a federal prison.

She has called on Gonzalo Molina Gonzalez, a promoter from the Regional Coordination of Communal Authorities-Communal Police (CRAC-PC), one of these two prisoners, who has been held for more than a year and 7 months, to suspend his hunger strike which he had undertaken in solidarity with her on 14 May for health reasons.

For more information (in Spanish):

Cesa Nestora Salgado su ayuno tras 31 días; lo retomará si el gobierno no cumple los acuerdos, advierte (El Sur, 5 de junio de 2015)

Nestora Salgado levantó la huelga de hambre que sostenía desde hace 31 días (Desinformémonos, 5 de junio de 2015)

Nestora Salgado levanta su ayuno tras aceptarse parte de sus peticiones (La Jornada, 5 de mayo de 2015)

Piden sus familiares a Nestora que termine su ayuno; cumple 30 días y Gonzalo Molina 20 (El Sur, 4 de junio de 2015)

For more information from SIPAZ (In English):

Guerrero: political prisoner Nestora Salgado, coordinator of the Communal Police of Olinalá, begins hunger strike (16 May 2015)

Guerrero: IACHR calls on Mexican government to guarantee medical attention to Nestora Salgado (8 February 2015)

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