Chiapas: Violent Repression of Bachajon Ejidatarios Opposing National Guard

@ Frayba

On October 18th, residents of the San Jeronimo and San Sebastinn Ejido Bachajon, municipality of Chilon, assured that they would not allow the National Guard to reach their communities, considering it a strategy of the municipal president Carlos Idelfonso Jimenez Trujillo, to exercise public force in against the ejidatarios.

The Fray Bartolome de Las Casas Center for Human Rights (Frayba) published a press release in which they denounced the abuses of power by the president, as well as “his interference in ejidal affairs, the provocation and division within the communities” in order to satisfy political and economic interests.

It should be remembered that, on October 15th, residents of the municipality of Chilon held a peaceful demonstration to show their disagreement with the installation of the NG when a violent repression by the public force took place: “At approximately 10:30 am, around 300 elements of the State, Municipal, Sectorial Police and the National Guard repressed the peaceful protest through a strong operation at the point known as the Temo crossroads, located 21 kilometers from the Ocosingo – Palenque highway, where ejidatarios of San Jeronimo Bachajón were in support of the San Sebastian ejido Bachajon”, Frayba reported. Furthermore, according to the Center for Human Rights, during the operation two people were arbitrarily deprived of their liberty while 13 were injured and one more is missing.

Due to this, the ejidatarios called a press conference in San Cristobal de Las Casas where they assured that they do not want the installation of the National Guard in San Sebastian Bachajon and they disagreed “because they never knew of an assembly by the commissariat, when they saw that they were already working on the military base, there they learned that it is the the national guard base and they began to mobilize and it was agreed that the installation of the detachment would not suit them”, they said.

For more information in Spanish:

No permitirán llegue la Guardia Nacional a Bachajón (NVI Noticias, 18 de octubre 2020)

La protesta no es sinónimo de Motín (Frayba, 17 octubre 2020)

Una desaparición forzada, dos detenidos arbitrariamente y 13 heridos como resultado de la represión a manifestación pacífica en Chilón. (Frayba, 17 octubre 2020)

Guardia Nacional y Secretaría de Seguridad Pública vulneran derechos del Pueblo Maya Tseltal de Chilón, en Chiapas. (Frayba, 15 octubre 2020)

For more information from SIPAZ:

Chiapas: Celebran 20 aniversario del campamento de desplazados de Nuevo Yibeljoj en Chenalho (October 19, 2020)

Chiapas: Ejido de Tila saca comunicado tras la entrada, sin autorización, de fuerzas mixtas y Guardia Nacional (October 2, 2020)

National: National Guard without Civilians or Police (August 22, 2020)
Chiapas: State Will Have 25 National Guard Military Barracks in 2022 (June 16, 2020)

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