Chiapas: Sowing Prevented in Nuevo San Gregorio BAEZLN

In a statement published on November 3rd, a Solidarity Caravan made up of several civil organizations and groups adhering to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle and the Support Bases of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (BAEZLN) from Nuevo San Gregorio denounced the presence of an invading group in the community’s farm lands, so they decided to suspend the planting of corn and beans that they had scheduled for February 1st. 

The Caravan declared that this new invasion “in addition to hindering work in the fields, an essential activity for the survival of families, it also prevents the animals from being fed and from returning to their homes, since they have to cross through space in where the invading group settled ”, which constitutes “an attack on food autonomy and the right to land, one of the mechanisms that the invading group has been using since November 2019.”

The solidarity caravan is made up of the Chiapas Center for Women’s Rights (CDMCH), Economic and Social Development of Indigenous Mexicans, AC (DESMI); Technological Development and Community Services El Puente, SC; Enlace Civil, AC; Space for the Fight Against Forgetfulness and Repression (ELCOR), the Working Group We are Not All Here; Lumaltik Herriak; Doctors of the World, Switzerland-Mexico Memoria Viva, y Promedios de Comunicacion Comunitaria, AC. 

In the statement, it stated “that from the Solidarity Caravan they continue with their work in the community of Nuevo San Gregorio, Autonomous Municipality of Lucio Cabañas, starting on Monday, February 1st, 2021 in order to guarantee the integrity of women, children and girls, boys Support Bases of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (BAEZLN) while they carry out their work in the fields.” 

It reaffirmed that the mission of the caravan “is to show solidarity and make documentation as part of the peaceful work that we have been doing so that the human rights of the BAEZLN are respected.”

It asked the human rights defense organizations to be attentive to the events that may occur during this solidarity caravan and to disseminate the public content of the events that occurred during and after the caravan.

For more information in Spanish:

Bases zapatistas denuncian invasión de tierras en Nuevo San Gregorio, Chiapas(Contralínea, 3 de febrero de 2021)

Impiden siembra a campesinos de Nuevo San Gregorio, en la selva (Chiapas Paralelo, 4 de febrero de 2021)

Denuncian invasión a territorio zapatista (Cuarto Poder, 4 de febrero de 2021)

Grupo invasor impide siembra en comunidad zapatista, denuncia Caravana de Solidaridad (Desinformémonos, 5 de febrero de 2021)

For more information from SIPAZ:

Chiapas: Misión Civil de observación señala falta de respuestas de las autoridades ante violaciones de derechos humanos (December 12, 2020)

Chiapas/National: Zapatista Support Base Feliz Lopez Hernandez Released; EZLN Solidarity March in CDMX (November 14, 2020)
Chiapas: SIPAZ Accompanies Caravan to Deliver Humanitarian Aid and Document Attacks(November 3, 2020)

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