Chiapas: Meeting of CNI communities in Chiapas with adherents to the Sixth Declaration

pozol(@Pozol Colectivo)

On 27 July communities pertaining to the National Indigenous Congress (CNI) from Chiapas met with adherents to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandona Jungle, written by the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN).  The meeting was held in the community of Cruztón, Venustiano Carranza municipality, Chiapas, where the communities of the CNI-Chiapas discussed the problems they confront.

Present at the meeting were the Las Abejas Civil Society, the ejidatarios from Tila, and constituent groups of the Semilla Digna (“Dignified Seed”) organization.  In a joint pronunciation, they expressed solidarity with the communities of San Francisco Xochicuautla, Mexico State, for the plundering of their lands; Santa María Ostula, Michoacán, where the Army killed a girl of 12 years of age and arrested a commander of the communal police; and with the communities pertaining to the La Garrucha caracol that live on lands appropriated by the EZLN and have faced several attacks by paramilitaries.  In the communique, the CNI affiliates declared themselves in favor of autonomy, the defense of Mother Earth, and resistance gainst megaprojects.  In this way, they also demanded the release of the spokesperson for the Yaqui nation, Mario Luna, and the appearance with life of the 43 forcibly disappeared students from Ayotzinapa.

For more information (in Spanish):

Encuentro de las comundades del CNI de Chiapas en Cruzton integrante de Semilla Digna (Kolektivo Zero, 27 de julio de 2015)

Desde la zona Norte, Altos y centro de Chiapas, se solidarizan con Ostula Michoacán, Xochicuautla Edomex Y EL EZLN (Pozol Colectivo, 27 de julio de 2015)

For more information from SIPAZ (in English):

Nation: Denunciations of new attacks against indigenous community of Santa María Ostula, Michoacán (10 June 2015)

CNDH: PGR’s investigation of Iguala case continues to be lacking: CNDH (10 September 2015)

Nation: A minor murdered and ten others wounded in Santa María Ostula (16 August 2015)

National: Inauguration of the First World Festival of Anti-Capitalist Resistance and Rebellion (30 December 2015)

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