Chiapas: EZLN communiqué “Pain and rage”


On 8 May, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) published a communiqué written by Subcomandante Marcos regarding the violent events which took place on 2 May in La Realidad, leaving one Zapatista dead and 15 others injured.  Marcos announced that the activities planned for the end of May will be canceled, including an event in homage to Don Luis Villoro Toranzo and the “Ethics amidst looting” seminar.

Marcos explains the reasons for which “the primary results of the investigation, in addition to the information is reaching us, leaves no room for doubt: […] this was not a problem of communities, in which groups confronted each other in the heat of the moment.  It was a planned attack: first the provocation with the destruction of the school and the clinic, knowing that our comrades had no firearms and that they would go to defend what they had humbly raised with their efforts; afterward, the positions taken by the aggressors, foreshadowing the path they would continue to take from the caracol to the school; and then finally, the crossfire against our comrades.

[…] Now those from above speak of the ‘Acteal model’: ‘it was an inter-communal conflict over a gravel bank.’  Mmh…  Thus militarization follows, as do the hysterical voices of the domesticated media, the lies, the posturing, and then persecution.”

The communiqué concludes with a post-script: “If you were to ask me to summarize our work in just a few words, I would say that our efforts have been for peace, while their efforts have been for war.”

For more information (in Spanish):

EL DOLOR Y LA RABIA, Enlacezapatista, 8 de mayo de 2014

Suspende EZLN homenaje a Luis Villoro (El Universal, 9 de mayo)

EZLN se declara en alerta, suspende reuniones de mayo y junio por ataque de CIOAC (Chiapas Paralelo, 9 de mayo de 2014)

Exige CNI castigo a culpables de la emboscada donde murió Galeano (La Jornada, 11 de mayo de 2014)

Protestas solidarias en varias partes del mundo con los zapatistas de La Realidad (La Jornada, 11 de mayo de 2014)

For more information from SIPAZ (in English):

Chiapas: Attacks on EZLN support bases leave one dead and 15 injured among Zapatistas (16 May 2014)

National/International: End of solidarity week “If the Zapatistas are harmed, all are harmed” (3 March 2014)

Chiapas: Denunciations of attacks on BAEZLN from the Morelia JBG and on hospital personnel from San Carlos de Altamirano (7 February 2014)

Chiapas: Denunciation of harassment and attacks from the Whirlwind of Our Words Caracol (7 December 2013)

Chiapas: Roberto Barrios JBG denounces attack on Comandante Abel community (19 September 2012)

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